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发布:上海环球雅思学校  点击数:  发布时间:2013-9-20 10:50:21

摘要: 以下是上海环球雅思小编为大家整理的10月份雅思写作预测,希望可以帮助到大家的学习!  universitystudentsalwaysfocusononespecialistsubject,butsome


  university students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

  in 1911, only 73 men and 100 women were 100 or more 100 years old. however, in 1941, the number of people who can reach to 100 years old increased to 449 that includes 132 males and 317 females. then, the number reached to 2332 in 1971 which contains 287 males and 2035 females. in 2001, the number of males is about 536 while approximately 4085 are females another important phenomenon is that in 2001 the number of females increased 40 times than the males' number in 1911 while males only went up about 7 times .

  as the a famous saying goes: do as they do at rome. the knowledge of local custom can help outside person adapt to the new environment rapidly. moreover, each place has the own unique culture, may keep in touch more ideology and culture through the local folkways and customs. for instance, a chinese people came to britain, he can imitate british life style. in this way, he can understand british habit more thoroughly, thus, make himself live a more comfortable life in britain.

  however, as for the second, by mentioning which i mean the postgraduate period, trainees ought to be guided to study limited areas. on one hand, a trainee in this stage has been academically mature and he, taking a mathematical expert for example, would know which subject is his life-long pursuance, topology or discreet. thus, it would be a waste of their time and energy if teaching staff still attempt to make them weird versatile creatures arbitrarily. on the other hand, students in this phase are able to have their understanding about certain professions promptly deepened in that their interest has been fixed precisely, on the precondition that they are provided with definitely-chosen courses.

  in conclusion, intensive and extensive ways of teaching do not stand against. therefore, they must be carefully selected for the students in different spans for the purposes of firstly making trainees the men of common sense and then the men learnt afterward.

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