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雅思考试双语阅读 人民币升值的影响

发布:上海环球雅思学校  点击数:  发布时间:2011-12-27 11:26:27

摘要: 出国考试双语阅读:人民币升值给香港经济带来什么影响?出国考试双语阅读:youmightexpecthongkongtobedelightedwithitscentralroleintheinternationalisationofthere



you might expect hong kong to be delighted with its central role in the internationalisation of the renminbi. the metrics have indeed been impressive: since mid-2010 rmb deposits have grown five-fold, to about 8 per cent of hong kong’s deposit base; monthly rmb trade settlements in the city have grown 13-fold over the same period and account for almost 90 per cent of china’s cross-border rmb trade settlements; the so-called dim-sum bond market has gone from zero to a us$15bn market in less than a year.


yet it is also increasingly apparent that the rapid development of an offshore rmb market also poses an insidious threat to the stability of hong kong’s financial economy and its cherished peg to the us dollar.


the first sign that all may be not well can be detected in the sharp escalation in the effective mortgage rate in hong kong over the past 2 months. hong kong banks are drastically widening their lending spreads (by as much as 130bp) even as base rates in us (and therefore hong kong) remain close to zero.


deposit growth excluding rmb has been tepid in hong kong over the past 6 months, while loan growth has accelerated. rapid growth in rmb deposits is effectively sucking hong kong dollar liquidity out of the system, and forcing hong kong banks to offer much higher hong kong dollar time deposit rates than would be warranted by the current us interest rate context.


as the cost of funding for hong kong dollar deposits rises while us rates remain static, banks need to raise lending spreads. meanwhile, for ‘strategic’ reasons, hong kong banks continue to fight for market share on rmb deposits by offering uneconomical time deposit rates. there is currently no scaleable channel through which hong kong banks can earn a satisfactory margin on rmb time deposits. the banking system’s balance sheet is therefore increasingly funded by deposits in a non-convertible currency that has a negligible or negative yield.


if near-zero us rates persist and corporate and retail customers’ assumption that rmb appreciation is a one-way bet remains unchanged, hong kong banks may continue as the unprofitable counterparty to the rmb/us dollar carry trade. depending on the pace of the offshore rmb development and for how long us interest rates stay abnormally low, such a structural disruption to the banking system will become unsustainable at some point if hong kong is to remain firmly anchored in its currency peg to the us dollar.


what is the way out of this conundrum? for hong kong proactively to cap its growth in the offshore rmb market is politically unthinkable and over the longer-term strategically unsound, given that it is hardly controversial to predict that hong kong’s currency will eventually either be pegged to, or be replaced by, the rmb once the latter becomes freely convertible.



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